Simple Tooth Extraction in Gurnee

Having a tooth removed sounds worse than it is, but it can improve your oral health in certain cases. Leave your worries behind because our tooth extractions are pain-free with anesthesia.

Tooth extractions can help prevent the spread of tooth decay, avoid issues of overcrowding, and in certain instances, can relieve existing pain.

Reasons for an extraction:

Overcrowding, wisdom teeth or orthodontia - Sometimes dentists have to pull teeth to prepare a patient for orthodontics (braces). If a person has too many teeth in their mouth, some of them will have to be removed before orthodontics can correct the patient’s bite.

Tooth decay or disease - If you have tooth decay that goes to the pulp (center of the tooth), then bacteria can enter the pulp, and cause an infection. Sometimes this can be fixed with a root canal, but if it is not, a tooth extraction may be needed to prevent the spread of the infection.

To remove a tooth or teeth because of trauma – Sometimes trauma may damage a tooth or fracture it to where it may not be able to be saved, thus requiring removal.

If you have a condition (immune compromised) that puts you at serious risk for getting an infection, then you may be given some antibiotics before and after a tooth extraction. Let our dentist know your complete medical history before you have an extraction.

An extraction is an investment in your future oral health by removing unnecessary or ill teeth. If you are experiencing pain, your tooth and/or gums might be infected and thus it’s very important that you see a dentist as soon as possible. Please call our office so that we can get you in quickly. In some instances for more complicated extractions, we may refer you to an Oral Surgeon to manage your care.

An infection will not go away on its own, and the longer it lasts the more damage it can do. Don’t delay, act today and call our office at 847-548-3800 or email us at